January 25, 2010

Mount Bromo & Sempu Island - A Poetic Journey

nov 27 - 30, 2009. good morning, my beloved bromo. you know why i'm here. everything started here. that was a time when hope was bound to be realized and dreams were bound to come true. just a moment. just a part of life that's gone forever.

and what remains in memories, stays only in memories. as dreaming has become too much to afford. that was a time now broken, shattered, and forgotten. so here i am, in the mighty bromo-tengger-semeru, putting my fate in your hand. i surrender. lead me through this journey and let me be reborn.

lead me through this journey, from the mountain to the sea. from bromo to sempu. let my soul spiral once again through the grids of creation. entering one or more points on the grids of experiences. happy experiences, please.. as i can no longer afford sadness, loss or tragedy.

let me see beauty again and let me dance in the rain. i know my fate is in your hands and destiny is written beneath the sand. as raging southern waves crash onto the shore, please let the sounds of the rude world fade away. and help me feel the glorious sensation that i have long forgotten.

let me enjoy the comforting melody of the universe that i have lost in a stream of pain. let all the clouds of sorrow depart. so in turn, i can let the eagle fly. please awake unto me, the spirits of sempu island.

here, even when it's cloudy, everything seems alight. the flames of the sun, even as it's setting, always envelop the sky. this is just what i need. to be one with those crashing waves and rolling clouds. here i am, being one with the constant screams of my heart.

i know your signs, all too well. they still sit stubbornly in the sky and i don't know why. but for now, just promise me that star lights and dew drops are waiting for me. and let me rest my weary head on your sand tonight, lulled by moonlight upon the clear shades of sea.

so when morning comes, my heart will never thirst again. the mighty spirits of the universe, from the mountain to the sea, awake unto me. and beam on my heart with the brightest morning sunlight. make me whole again, as i return home..


dela said...

interesting pics! :)


thank you dela :)

KEMY said...

well first of all, the pics are amazing!
and your writing just sets the mood.
i like your blog, do you mind if i follow?


hi kemy. thank you so much! glad you like it. of course you can follow. i'm honored. :)

-JJ- 黄天龙 said...

the photos are absolutely breathtaking :)


hi JJ.. sorry i just logged in.. been a while ya? :) thanks for your comments!! cheers!

cus said...

in my opinion, the photos are so average, sorry for saying that. for example, in your last photo, it would be better if you get more close or use a tele lens (is this photos taken by dslr or simple pocket camera?).

Hey, but agree that the bromo one is such a good one. love the sky. :)


hey.. thank you for stopping by at my blog.. and for the comments.

don't be sorry. i'm NOT a photographer, not trying to be, and don't wanna be :p

i hate DSLR cameras, i think they're heavy and a pain in the ass.

i am a writer. and the photos i took in my bromo journey was very personal, as it was a journey to heal myself. i only publish my photos when it matters to the story, not the other way around.

you're welcome to come along next time, with a REAL camera, and take photos for me.. but i must warn you, when i travel, i do lots of unexpected things, change my schedules, and can suddenly drop everything for something else :)

that's why cassey hates traveling with me :)

anyway, thanks again..