November 12, 2009

11/11 at 17.17

Just when I thought the chance was getting slimmer, close to impossible, and deadline was fast approaching, it happened again. Right on that mysteriously magical date, at that mysteriously magical time, presenting the mysteriously magical numbers. Suddenly, in the blackness of the tiny plane in my heart, the Universe gave twin-wing lights. Deciphering signs from the universe has never been this hard, or this heart-wrenching.

It’s like trying to miss collision with the stars. It’s like fleeing a million giant fiery darts that are being shot at me with a steady purpose from a million great bows.

Just when I set my heart and firm it up to execute the hardest intention of my life --- to give up and move on --- the universal dusk abruptly sent me a distraction. Or was it a test? Hadn’t I told you I didn’t want to be tested anymore? Which part of that wish was unclear to you? Or was it a confirmation? A sign that I had been indeed… stupid? And suicidal? And I must at once abandon my attempts to keep wishing wishful dreams? A confirmation that my intention must be executed immediately? Deciphering signs from the universe has never been this tricky, or this painful.

It’s like an intruder in the void. It’s like images of broken lights, restless inside a box, presenting limitless undying love which shines like a million suns.

Unfair. I need more than that. I need evidence. Hard, physical evidence. Not signs. Not mysteriously magical twin numbers that, when combined, also happened to represent a birth. It is incomprehensible. I need it to be humanly REAL. Please.

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