February 09, 2009

Daily Shit Ritual

first of all, i wanna apologize.. sorry if you're grossed out reading this particular article.. i couldn't sleep.. my mind keeps thinking about some of my most profound convictions.. the convictions that have made me a stupid ass for the last 15 months or so.. now that i realize i need to do whatever necessary to preserve my sanity, i kinda wanna think about something else..

something else.. like.. what do you do when you're in the toilet shitting?

okay.. if that's so disgusting for you, don't read on.. go somewhere else nicer with boring people who can't stand shit!

otherwise.. let me tell you.. for me, going to the toilet to shit is the best time of any day ever.. it's like THE ritual that you don't wanna miss! don't you think so too? it's like, the whole world disappears.. it's so peaceful..

back to my question: what is YOUR daily shit ritual?

alrite, i'd start.. but before we get to the actual ritual, it's important to let you know that i don't always have to shit in the morning.. morning is always a nightmare for me.. for those of you who know me well and/or those of you who have followed my blog closely, you'd also know that i HATE mornings.. i hate it passionately! so i always wake up late and therefore i'm always in a hurry in the morning.. especially weekday mornings.. so i don't always have time to shit in the morning.. hell, i don't even have time for breakfast! a quick shower, a cup of coffee, then i'd be out the door..

so this is my shitting ritual every day.. when i get to work, i'd drink another cup of coffee and smoke a cigarette.. this would usually trigger the need to shit.. so i'd light up another cigarette (this is a must.. can't shit without one).. then go to the toilet.. if there's a new magazine that i haven't read, i'd take that with me too.. i'd take my time to read through most of the articles, even though i've finished shitting.. i'd light up another cigarette if i have to.. inspirations could come from reading stuff.. so i would typically also make various mental notes about some of the most interesting and inspirational things that i read in that magazine.. my next blog article, my facebook status, my yahoo messenger status and my blackberry messenger status could all originate from pieces of stuff that i read while shitting..

however, if there is no new magazine, then i just smoke and space out.. spacing out while shitting is the best! trust me! spacing out is the best way to enjoy every drag of my cigarette and every drop of my shit.. wonderful feeling! Highly recommended!

anyway, it's almost 1.30AM.. i'm supposed to sleep soon.. again, sorry if i grossed you out.. but if you got to this last paragraph, then you must be as disgusting as i am.. or as twisted as i am.. or maybe, just like me, you're trying to numb yourself and knock yourself out to sleep without any help of alcohol or other drugs.. so.. i'm just curious.. please drop me a line and tell me: what is YOUR daily shit ritual?

PS: it's a full moon today!


unee said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! Sarap ini yang nulis blognya. Daily shit ritual..
hahaha * guling2 sambil kayang *

I thought you were talking about the other kind of shit. The un-literally one.

All I need is a cigarette and I'm good to go. Oh,plus,sometimes - suka gak sadar aja gitu, I like to hum when I do it.
Lagu yang paling disukain saat itu biasanya. Tapi gak kenceng2, cuma humming2 seksi gitu aja. hahahaha..

* kayang lagi *


hahahahaha... well, i thought i'd do different types of writing sometimes, instead of the usual emotional crap all the time :-p

(of course without totally leaving a tad of the emotional crap though.. just a tad, if you noticed.. hehehe)

thanks for sharing your most private moment on this blog.. HAHAHAHHAHAHA!!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I like this kind of writing *GTH, for the boring people*

Uhmm, where should I start? ow, s**t, I didn't have any ritual..


uhmm.. does it mean you don't shit?

seputar ebook said...

smoking one while shitting...
oo,..yeeaaaa...fuck yeaaacchhh..!!


bwahahahaha.. fuck YEAAAHHHH!!!
absolutely right!!!

unee said...

Taufan a.k.a Kip :
Yeah,does that mean you don't shit ?

* kayang *


Anonymous said...

i usually shit myself every morning at 600 am. it's like my alarm clock, i wouldn't be able to get up without it. then i just go to the bath room and clean up for the day.


cool justin! the best alarm clock ever :D

PLEE said...


angad singh said...

i don't smoke tobacco, but im seriously considering starting to smoke one per day while i crap in the morning.

because sometimes when i have taken a drag or two from my friend's cigarettes out of sheer boredom I've felt my insides reacting the way I'd like them to when im trying to shit! this should be fun (and possible) once i move back into my hostel room in about a week :)

currently living in my brother's 'no smoking' house.

i like your writing. it's relatable...