January 10, 2009


On the tenth day of 2009, there’s a quietness that comes from recalling places, events and people of the year before. Life, as always, is a complex riddle. And trying to make sense out of the nonsense is such a tedious process. I am neither optimistic nor pessimistic. I’m at this hollow intersection between hope and despair. So I’m neither bitter nor sweet. Maybe I’m bittersweet. Hahaha

The first ten days of 2009, there have been words that splash heavily upon my mind like cold icy rain. But then again, there is that tiny little light of new beginnings. The problem is that I can’t really tell where this light would lead me to. The one place where I don’t wanna go is the marrow of emotions that have stormed my world last year. I don’t want the dark shadows and choking conversations anymore.

The first full moon of 2009, there is this sobering realization that in being heard, a chance is created. A chance for what, I wonder? Whatever… As long as it’s not a gut-wrenching sequel to the painful reality of 2008, then I’d be satisfied. I want rainbows, shooting stars, pink full moons and lilac candles woven flawlessly, until designs and desires come together to bring smiles, giggles and happiness.

January 10th, 2009, the first full moon, I’m neither bitter nor sweet. I’m bittersweet…


unee said...

Am bitter all the way,baby. Hehe.
But, I do hope that light will lead you to somewhere sweet tho' ;)


yeah.. trying.. trying to look at the "BIGGER PICTURE".. even when it hurts :-p